SNo | Task | Detailed Explanation | Resources | Deliverables | NOTE |
1 | ESP32-CAM Board | Blink Inbuild [On-board] LED, connected to GPIO ?
Find it out, yourself The answer is: #define LED_RED_INBUILD_PIN_NO 33 // Fixed for ESP32-CAM |
2 | Blink the Bright White Flash LED Twice
Find it out, yourself The answer is: #define LED_FLASH_INBUILD_PIN_NO 4 // Fixed for ESP32-CAMIs this Pin a PWM Pin ? Can we control the brightness of this Flash LED ? In Arduino UNO board, analogWrite (i.e, PWM) supports 0 to 255 as input parameter. When ESP32 is used, what is the analogWrite resolution ? |
3 | Study the various Pins available in ESP32-CAM |
4 | Prepare a supply cable for robot, by combining USB Cable and JST connector
2 pin JST 1.25mm One Side Female with 30cm Wires |
Develop as per this diagram
Future Use photo |
5 | Connect ESP32 with TFT Display
Capture an image from camera and display on TFT |
Pin Assignments and Sample Code | |||
6 | OTA Programming | Tutorial, Videos and Sample Code | |||
7 | RGB565 Display it on PC
Capture 240x240 pixel image using ESP32-CAM Transfer it to local PC or Laptop Write a MATLAB® program to display the RGB565 image |
Do NOT use these resources:
image.rgb disp_rgb565_003.m |
8 | Connect ESP32 with PCA9586 |
9 | Maths | IK Quiz | IK Quiz | After studying the first four theory chapters, you can solve this. | |