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Chapter 01

Hello World in the Hardware World !

Page 9

The Binary sequence of all EVEN numbers ends with a ZERO
The Binary sequence of all ODD  numbers ends with a ONE

Q1 What will be the binary of 2314 ?

(a) 100100001010 (b) 100100001011
(c) 110100001011 (d) 100101011001

Q2 What will be the binary of 2315 ?

(a) 100100001010 (b) 100100001011
(c) 110100001000 (d) 100101011000

Q3 What will be the binary of 9 ?

(a) 1001000011100010 (b) 1001000110001011
(c) 1000 (d) 1001

Q4 What will be the binary of (2 raise to 12) + 1 ?

(a) 1000000000001 (b) 1001000010110
(c) 1101000010110 (d) 1001010110010

Q5 What will be the binary of 2 raise to 4 ?

(a) 1111 (b) 1000
(c) 10000 (d) 0011-0000

Q6 What will be the binary of (2 raise to 5) - 1 ?

(a) 11111 (b) 100001
(c) 100000 (d) 1000001

Q7 What will be the binary of ( 2 raise to 7 ) + 1 ?

(a) 10000001 (b) 10000000
(c) 11111111 (d) 11000001

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