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Chapter 02
Installing Software for AVR Development
Page 11
The location of .hex file
After the successful build process, the C-language program Blink_LEDs.C is now converted to Blink_LEDs.hex
This Blink_LEDs.hex file is the binary file, it can be executed (run) inside the micro-controller
For this, we need to copy this file (in a particular location) of the micro-controller's flash memory.
But, where is the file Blink_LEDs.hex in the local computer ?
Remember the Location where the project was created in the previous step. Inside the project folder, there is another folder named Debug.
In this folder there will be a number of files one of them is Blink_LEDs.hex as shown below.
NOTE: It's a good habit to observe the date time when the hex file was created. Why? You will learn later.

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