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Chapter 03

Work Envelope Basics

Page 2

Robot Joint Movement Configuration

QUESTION: If M1 & M2 motors are allowed to rotate 180 counter-clockwise, from their initial positions, then what will be the maximum area, where the gripper tip can reach, for the following initial positions? (Make suitable assumptions)

Configuration 1 Configuration 2 Configuration 3

            lx(1) = 0.0;
            ly(1) = 0.0;

            lx(2) = lx(1) + L1;
            ly(2) = ly(1) ;

            lx(3) = lx(2) ;
            ly(3) = ly(2) +L2;

            lx(1) = 0.0;
            ly(1) = 0.0;

            lx(2) = lx(1) + L1 ;
            ly(2) = ly(1) ;

            lx(3) = lx(2) +L2 ;
            ly(3) = ly(2) ;

            lx(1) = 0.0;
            ly(1) = 0.0;

            lx(2) = lx(1) + L1 ;
            ly(2) = ly(1) ;

            lx(3) = lx(2) ;
            ly(3) = ly(2) - L2 ;
Configuration 1 Configuration 2 Configuration 3
(M1 Range of movement 0 to 180)
 M2 Range of movement 90 to -90
(M1 Range of movement 0 to 180)
 M2 Range of movement 0 to 180
(M1 Range of movement 0 to 180)
 M2 Range of movement -90 to +90

The answer is given on next page ......

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