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Chapter 03

Work Envelope Basics

Page 4

Selecting a configuration
Selecting a Configuration for TL-RAM-2

The same robotic arm can be configured in different ways and various work-spaces can be realized. The experiment only changed the orientation of M2 in 3-different ways. Just like M2, M1 can also be oriented differently and multiple work envelope permutations can be made.

Each configuration (resulting in different work envelopes) has its own advantages and dis-advantages. Some cover more area, while some may have easy IK calculations, some might have optimal motor movements (trajectory planning) and hence less electric power consumption or less moment-of-inertia in stopping or less wear-n-tear of gears. It all depends on the Robotic-Engineer to decide which configuration is the most suitable for the application.

Question: Which configuration of M2 results in a work envelope, most suitable for a "Board Game Playing Robot" ?

Configuration 1 Configuration 2 Configuration 3
Configuration 1 Configuration 2 Configuration 3
(M1 Range of movement 0 to 180)
 M2 Range of movement 90 to -90:
(M1 Range of movement 0 to 180)
 M2 Range of movement 0 to 180:
(M1 Range of movement 0 to 180)
 M2 Range of movement -90 to +90:
Configuration 1 Configuration 2 Configuration 3

            lx(1) = 0.0;
            ly(1) = 0.0;

            lx(2) = lx(1) + L1;
            ly(2) = ly(1) ;

            lx(3) = lx(2) ;
            ly(3) = ly(2) + L2;

            lx(1) = 0.0;
            ly(1) = 0.0;

            lx(2) = lx(1) + L1 ;
            ly(2) = ly(1) ;

            lx(3) = lx(2) +L2 ;
            ly(3) = ly(2);

            lx(1) = 0.0;
            ly(1) = 0.0;

            lx(2) = lx(1) + L1 ;
            ly(2) = ly(1) ;

            lx(3) = lx(2);
            ly(3) = ly(2) - L2 ;

The answer is given on next page ......

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