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Chapter 04
Reachability Test
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(Part-II: MATLABĀ® Programming Tutorials: Robot Control and Mathematics)
This Chapter covers the following topics:
- Reachability Test: Logical (Black and White Plotting)
- Reachability Test: Reason for Unreachability (Coloured Plotting)
- Reachability Test Colour Fast: Execution Time Optimization
- Image as a Figure Background
- Image as an Animation Background
Unlike the previous program which helped in determining the work-envelope, a new function will be developed to test the reachablity.
A MATLABĀ® function isReachable is to be developed which tests that, whether a given point (dx, dy) is reachable for the robots gripper or not?
function [ reachabilityFlag ] = isReachable( dx, dy )
if the point (dx, dy) is in reach, the return value reachabilityFlag = 1 else reachabilityFlag = 0
In order to pass a reachablity test the following conditions must be met:
The reachable area is shown in White color and un-reachable area is shown in black:

Try to figure out Why the points in the Black are are unreachable. Afew hints are given below:
Case 1: Arm's length is shorter: The area shown is Black color and nammed as Case 1 is unreachable because even if the arm is streached to its full length (L1+L2), the dsetination point is still far.
Case 2: Unrechable semi-circle in Q1 (and Q2 ): The area shown is Black color and nammed as Case 2 is unreachable because M1 cant go clockwise beyond zero-degrees and any point which is lesser than L2 cant be reached. Just like, its difficult for a human right hand to touch the right hand biceps. The biceps are at a distance lesser than the Ulna bone (Link-2)
Case 3: Unreachable semicircle below x-axis (Q3 & Q4)
Case 4: The point lies in Q4 but outside reachable area
Case 5: Inside Q3 but outside reachable area
Hint for case1 given below.
The distance of the point (dx, dy) from the robot base (0,0) must NOT be greater then L1+L2
Can be mathematically written as:
if sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) > SUM_L1_L2 then the point is unreachable
All the 5-cases are mathematically written in the function code
Click here to download the function
Click here to view the function and its output for a sample run.
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