% Configuration for Work Envelope:
% This program shows 3-different Work Envelope possiblities
% By changing the orientation of M2 in 3-different ways, three different
% work-envelopes can be obtained
close all; clear; clc;

global debugLevel_01;
       debugLevel_01 = 1;

% Initialize values
L1 = 110.0; % Link Length in mm
L2 = 140.0; % Link Length in mm

hf = figure('color','white');

axis equal
SUM_L1_L2 = L1 + L2;

maximum_x_limit =   ceil(SUM_L1_L2/100)*100;
maximum_y_limit =   ceil(SUM_L1_L2/100)*100;
minimum_x_limit = - ceil(SUM_L1_L2/100)*100;
minimum_y_limit = - ceil(SUM_L1_L2/100)*100;

xlim([minimum_x_limit maximum_x_limit])
ylim([minimum_y_limit maximum_y_limit])
set(gca,'XTick',minimum_x_limit : 100 : maximum_x_limit);
set(gca,'YTick',minimum_y_limit : 100 : maximum_y_limit);

grid on
set(gca, 'GridLineStyle', '-');

% EXPERIMENT : Change the value of the variable configuration_no
configuration_no = 1; % CHNAGE HERE ONLY, try 1, 2 and 3
    case 1
           config_name = 'Config01';
    case 2
           config_name = 'Config02';
    case 3
           config_name = 'Config03';

title(sprintf('%s: Work Envelope: Red dots show where the ''actuator'' can reach', config_name),'Color',[0 0 1])
text(minimum_x_limit,maximum_y_limit - 30,...
    'NOTE: Change the variable configuration no in the code to see all 3 configurations')
hold on

pause on;
for alpha = 1:19    %%%%%%%  18 x 10 = 180
    for beta = 1:19 %%%%%%%  18 x 10 = 180

      plot(lx(1:2), ly(1:2), 'color', [.4 .4 .8],'LineWidth',2);
      plot(lx(2:3), ly(2:3), 'color', [.8 .4 .8],'LineWidth',1);
      %plot(lx(1),ly(1),'--mo', 'MarkerEdgeColor','k', 'MarkerFaceColor',[.49 1 .63], 'MarkerSize',6);
      %plot(lx(2),ly(2),'--mo', 'MarkerEdgeColor','k', 'MarkerFaceColor',[.99 1 .63], 'MarkerSize',6);
      plot(lx(3),ly(3),'--mo', 'MarkerEdgeColor','k', 'MarkerFaceColor',[1 0 0], 'MarkerSize',10);
      [ successFlag, lx, ly ] = rotate_motor_logically( 2,  -10, lx, ly, 1);
      % pause (0.01);
        case 1
        case 2
        case 3
    [ successFlag, lx, ly ] = rotate_motor_logically( 1,  -alpha*10, lx, ly, 1);


saveas(gcf,sprintf('output_%s.jpg', config_name) )
	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 110.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 140.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 110.00   nlx[3] = 85.69  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = 137.87 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 85.69  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 137.87 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 110.00   nlx[3] = 62.12  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = 131.56 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 62.12  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 131.56 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 110.00   nlx[3] = 40.00  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = 121.24 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 40.00  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 121.24 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 110.00   nlx[3] = 20.01  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = 107.25 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 20.01  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 107.25 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 110.00   nlx[3] = 2.75   
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = 89.99  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 2.75   
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 89.99  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 110.00   nlx[3] = -11.24 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = 70.00  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = -11.24 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 70.00  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 110.00   nlx[3] = -21.56 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = 47.88  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = -21.56 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 47.88  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 110.00   nlx[3] = -27.87 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = 24.31  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = -27.87 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 24.31  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 110.00   nlx[3] = -30.00 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = -0.00  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = -30.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = -0.00  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 110.00   nlx[3] = -27.87 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = -24.31 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = -27.87 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = -24.31 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 110.00   nlx[3] = -21.56 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = -47.88 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = -21.56 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = -47.88 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 110.00   nlx[3] = -11.24 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = -70.00 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = -11.24 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = -70.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 110.00   nlx[3] = 2.75   
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = -89.99 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 2.75   
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = -89.99 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 110.00   nlx[3] = 20.01  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = -107.25

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 20.01  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = -107.25

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 110.00   nlx[3] = 40.00  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = -121.24

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 40.00  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = -121.24

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 110.00   nlx[3] = 62.12  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = -131.56

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 62.12  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = -131.56

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 110.00   nlx[3] = 85.69  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = -137.87

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 85.69  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = -137.87

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 110.00   nlx[3] = 110.00 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = -140.00

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 110.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = -140.00

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 110.00   nlx[3] = 134.31 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = -137.87

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 1
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 110.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 140.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 1 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 108.33   nlx[3] = 84.02  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = 156.97 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 108.33    lx[3] = 84.02  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = 156.97 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 108.33   nlx[3] = 60.45  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = 150.66 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 108.33    lx[3] = 60.45  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = 150.66 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 108.33   nlx[3] = 38.33  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = 140.34 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 108.33    lx[3] = 38.33  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = 140.34 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 108.33   nlx[3] = 18.34  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = 126.35 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 108.33    lx[3] = 18.34  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = 126.35 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 108.33   nlx[3] = 1.08   
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = 109.09 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 108.33    lx[3] = 1.08   
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = 109.09 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 108.33   nlx[3] = -12.91 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = 89.10  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 108.33    lx[3] = -12.91 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = 89.10  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 108.33   nlx[3] = -23.23 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = 66.98  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 108.33    lx[3] = -23.23 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = 66.98  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 108.33   nlx[3] = -29.54 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = 43.41  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 108.33    lx[3] = -29.54 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = 43.41  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 108.33   nlx[3] = -31.67 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = 19.10  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 108.33    lx[3] = -31.67 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = 19.10  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 108.33   nlx[3] = -29.54 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = -5.21  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 108.33    lx[3] = -29.54 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = -5.21  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 108.33   nlx[3] = -23.23 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = -28.78 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 108.33    lx[3] = -23.23 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = -28.78 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 108.33   nlx[3] = -12.91 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = -50.90 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 108.33    lx[3] = -12.91 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = -50.90 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 108.33   nlx[3] = 1.08   
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = -70.89 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 108.33    lx[3] = 1.08   
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = -70.89 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 108.33   nlx[3] = 18.34  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = -88.14 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 108.33    lx[3] = 18.34  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = -88.14 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 108.33   nlx[3] = 38.33  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = -102.14

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 108.33    lx[3] = 38.33  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = -102.14

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 108.33   nlx[3] = 60.45  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = -112.46

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 108.33    lx[3] = 60.45  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = -112.46

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 108.33   nlx[3] = 84.02  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = -118.77

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 108.33    lx[3] = 84.02  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = -118.77

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 108.33   nlx[3] = 108.33 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = -120.90

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 108.33    lx[3] = 108.33 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = -120.90

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 108.33   nlx[3] = 132.64 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = -118.77

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 108.33    lx[3] = 132.64 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = -118.77

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 108.33   nlx[3] = 156.21 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = -112.46

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 1
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 110.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 140.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 1 by -20.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 103.37   nlx[3] = 55.48  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = 169.18 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 103.37    lx[3] = 55.48  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = 169.18 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 103.37   nlx[3] = 33.37  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = 158.87 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 103.37    lx[3] = 33.37  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = 158.87 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 103.37   nlx[3] = 13.38  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = 144.87 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 103.37    lx[3] = 13.38  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = 144.87 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 103.37   nlx[3] = -3.88  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = 127.61 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 103.37    lx[3] = -3.88  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = 127.61 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 103.37   nlx[3] = -17.88 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = 107.62 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 103.37    lx[3] = -17.88 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = 107.62 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 103.37   nlx[3] = -28.19 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = 85.51  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 103.37    lx[3] = -28.19 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = 85.51  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 103.37   nlx[3] = -34.51 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = 61.93  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 103.37    lx[3] = -34.51 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = 61.93  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 103.37   nlx[3] = -36.63 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = 37.62  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 103.37    lx[3] = -36.63 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = 37.62  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 103.37   nlx[3] = -34.51 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = 13.31  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 103.37    lx[3] = -34.51 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = 13.31  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 103.37   nlx[3] = -28.19 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = -10.26 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 103.37    lx[3] = -28.19 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = -10.26 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 103.37   nlx[3] = -17.88 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = -32.38 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 103.37    lx[3] = -17.88 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = -32.38 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 103.37   nlx[3] = -3.88  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = -52.37 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 103.37    lx[3] = -3.88  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = -52.37 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 103.37   nlx[3] = 13.38  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = -69.62 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 103.37    lx[3] = 13.38  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = -69.62 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 103.37   nlx[3] = 33.37  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = -83.62 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 103.37    lx[3] = 33.37  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = -83.62 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 103.37   nlx[3] = 55.48  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = -93.93 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 103.37    lx[3] = 55.48  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = -93.93 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 103.37   nlx[3] = 79.06  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = -100.25

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 103.37    lx[3] = 79.06  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = -100.25

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 103.37   nlx[3] = 103.37 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = -102.38

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 103.37    lx[3] = 103.37 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = -102.38

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 103.37   nlx[3] = 127.68 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = -100.25

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 103.37    lx[3] = 127.68 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = -100.25

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 103.37   nlx[3] = 151.25 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = -93.93 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 103.37    lx[3] = 151.25 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = -93.93 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 103.37   nlx[3] = 173.37 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = -83.62 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 1
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 110.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 140.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 1 by -30.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 95.26    nlx[3] = 25.26  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = 176.24 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 95.26     lx[3] = 25.26  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = 176.24 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 95.26    nlx[3] = 5.27   
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = 162.25 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 95.26     lx[3] = 5.27   
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = 162.25 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 95.26    nlx[3] = -11.98 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = 144.99 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 95.26     lx[3] = -11.98 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = 144.99 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 95.26    nlx[3] = -25.98 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = 125.00 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 95.26     lx[3] = -25.98 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = 125.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 95.26    nlx[3] = -36.29 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = 102.88 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 95.26     lx[3] = -36.29 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = 102.88 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 95.26    nlx[3] = -42.61 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = 79.31  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 95.26     lx[3] = -42.61 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = 79.31  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 95.26    nlx[3] = -44.74 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = 55.00  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 95.26     lx[3] = -44.74 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = 55.00  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 95.26    nlx[3] = -42.61 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = 30.69  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 95.26     lx[3] = -42.61 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = 30.69  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 95.26    nlx[3] = -36.29 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = 7.12   

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 95.26     lx[3] = -36.29 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = 7.12   

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 95.26    nlx[3] = -25.98 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = -15.00 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 95.26     lx[3] = -25.98 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = -15.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 95.26    nlx[3] = -11.98 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = -34.99 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 95.26     lx[3] = -11.98 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = -34.99 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 95.26    nlx[3] = 5.27   
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = -52.25 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 95.26     lx[3] = 5.27   
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = -52.25 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 95.26    nlx[3] = 25.26  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = -66.24 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 95.26     lx[3] = 25.26  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = -66.24 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 95.26    nlx[3] = 47.38  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = -76.56 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 95.26     lx[3] = 47.38  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = -76.56 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 95.26    nlx[3] = 70.95  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = -82.87 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 95.26     lx[3] = 70.95  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = -82.87 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 95.26    nlx[3] = 95.26  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = -85.00 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 95.26     lx[3] = 95.26  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = -85.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 95.26    nlx[3] = 119.57 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = -82.87 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 95.26     lx[3] = 119.57 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = -82.87 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 95.26    nlx[3] = 143.15 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = -76.56 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 95.26     lx[3] = 143.15 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = -76.56 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 95.26    nlx[3] = 165.26 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = -66.24 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 95.26     lx[3] = 165.26 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = -66.24 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 95.26    nlx[3] = 185.25 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = -52.25 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 1
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 110.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 140.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 1 by -40.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 84.26    nlx[3] = -5.73  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = 177.95 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 84.26     lx[3] = -5.73  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = 177.95 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 84.26    nlx[3] = -22.98 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = 160.70 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 84.26     lx[3] = -22.98 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = 160.70 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 84.26    nlx[3] = -36.98 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = 140.71 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 84.26     lx[3] = -36.98 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = 140.71 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 84.26    nlx[3] = -47.29 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = 118.59 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 84.26     lx[3] = -47.29 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = 118.59 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 84.26    nlx[3] = -53.61 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = 95.02  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 84.26     lx[3] = -53.61 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = 95.02  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 84.26    nlx[3] = -55.74 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = 70.71  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 84.26     lx[3] = -55.74 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = 70.71  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 84.26    nlx[3] = -53.61 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = 46.40  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 84.26     lx[3] = -53.61 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = 46.40  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 84.26    nlx[3] = -47.29 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = 22.82  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 84.26     lx[3] = -47.29 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = 22.82  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 84.26    nlx[3] = -36.98 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = 0.71   

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 84.26     lx[3] = -36.98 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = 0.71   

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 84.26    nlx[3] = -22.98 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = -19.28 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 84.26     lx[3] = -22.98 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = -19.28 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 84.26    nlx[3] = -5.73  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = -36.54 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 84.26     lx[3] = -5.73  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = -36.54 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 84.26    nlx[3] = 14.26  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = -50.54 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 84.26     lx[3] = 14.26  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = -50.54 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 84.26    nlx[3] = 36.38  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = -60.85 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 84.26     lx[3] = 36.38  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = -60.85 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 84.26    nlx[3] = 59.95  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = -67.17 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 84.26     lx[3] = 59.95  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = -67.17 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 84.26    nlx[3] = 84.26  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = -69.29 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 84.26     lx[3] = 84.26  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = -69.29 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 84.26    nlx[3] = 108.58 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = -67.17 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 84.26     lx[3] = 108.58 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = -67.17 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 84.26    nlx[3] = 132.15 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = -60.85 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 84.26     lx[3] = 132.15 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = -60.85 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 84.26    nlx[3] = 154.26 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = -50.54 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 84.26     lx[3] = 154.26 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = -50.54 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 84.26    nlx[3] = 174.26 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = -36.54 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 84.26     lx[3] = 174.26 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = -36.54 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 84.26    nlx[3] = 191.51 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = -19.28 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 1
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 110.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 140.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 1 by -50.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 70.71    nlx[3] = -36.54 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = 174.26 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 70.71     lx[3] = -36.54 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = 174.26 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 70.71    nlx[3] = -50.54 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = 154.26 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 70.71     lx[3] = -50.54 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = 154.26 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 70.71    nlx[3] = -60.85 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = 132.15 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 70.71     lx[3] = -60.85 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = 132.15 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 70.71    nlx[3] = -67.17 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = 108.58 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 70.71     lx[3] = -67.17 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = 108.58 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 70.71    nlx[3] = -69.29 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = 84.26  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 70.71     lx[3] = -69.29 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = 84.26  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 70.71    nlx[3] = -67.17 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = 59.95  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 70.71     lx[3] = -67.17 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = 59.95  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 70.71    nlx[3] = -60.85 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = 36.38  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 70.71     lx[3] = -60.85 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = 36.38  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 70.71    nlx[3] = -50.54 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = 14.26  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 70.71     lx[3] = -50.54 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = 14.26  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 70.71    nlx[3] = -36.54 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = -5.73  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 70.71     lx[3] = -36.54 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = -5.73  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 70.71    nlx[3] = -19.28 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = -22.98 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 70.71     lx[3] = -19.28 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = -22.98 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 70.71    nlx[3] = 0.71   
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = -36.98 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 70.71     lx[3] = 0.71   
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = -36.98 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 70.71    nlx[3] = 22.82  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = -47.29 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 70.71     lx[3] = 22.82  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = -47.29 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 70.71    nlx[3] = 46.40  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = -53.61 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 70.71     lx[3] = 46.40  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = -53.61 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 70.71    nlx[3] = 70.71  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = -55.74 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 70.71     lx[3] = 70.71  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = -55.74 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 70.71    nlx[3] = 95.02  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = -53.61 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 70.71     lx[3] = 95.02  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = -53.61 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 70.71    nlx[3] = 118.59 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = -47.29 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 70.71     lx[3] = 118.59 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = -47.29 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 70.71    nlx[3] = 140.71 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = -36.98 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 70.71     lx[3] = 140.71 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = -36.98 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 70.71    nlx[3] = 160.70 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = -22.98 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 70.71     lx[3] = 160.70 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = -22.98 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 70.71    nlx[3] = 177.95 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = -5.73  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 70.71     lx[3] = 177.95 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = -5.73  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 70.71    nlx[3] = 191.95 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = 14.26  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 1
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 110.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 140.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 1 by -60.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 55.00    nlx[3] = -66.24 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = 165.26 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 55.00     lx[3] = -66.24 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = 165.26 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 55.00    nlx[3] = -76.56 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = 143.15 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 55.00     lx[3] = -76.56 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = 143.15 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 55.00    nlx[3] = -82.87 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = 119.57 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 55.00     lx[3] = -82.87 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = 119.57 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 55.00    nlx[3] = -85.00 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = 95.26  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 55.00     lx[3] = -85.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = 95.26  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 55.00    nlx[3] = -82.87 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = 70.95  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 55.00     lx[3] = -82.87 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = 70.95  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 55.00    nlx[3] = -76.56 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = 47.38  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 55.00     lx[3] = -76.56 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = 47.38  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 55.00    nlx[3] = -66.24 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = 25.26  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 55.00     lx[3] = -66.24 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = 25.26  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 55.00    nlx[3] = -52.25 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = 5.27   

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 55.00     lx[3] = -52.25 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = 5.27   

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 55.00    nlx[3] = -34.99 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = -11.98 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 55.00     lx[3] = -34.99 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = -11.98 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 55.00    nlx[3] = -15.00 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = -25.98 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 55.00     lx[3] = -15.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = -25.98 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 55.00    nlx[3] = 7.12   
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = -36.29 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 55.00     lx[3] = 7.12   
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = -36.29 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 55.00    nlx[3] = 30.69  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = -42.61 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 55.00     lx[3] = 30.69  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = -42.61 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 55.00    nlx[3] = 55.00  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = -44.74 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 55.00     lx[3] = 55.00  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = -44.74 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 55.00    nlx[3] = 79.31  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = -42.61 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 55.00     lx[3] = 79.31  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = -42.61 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 55.00    nlx[3] = 102.88 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = -36.29 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 55.00     lx[3] = 102.88 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = -36.29 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 55.00    nlx[3] = 125.00 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = -25.98 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 55.00     lx[3] = 125.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = -25.98 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 55.00    nlx[3] = 144.99 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = -11.98 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 55.00     lx[3] = 144.99 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = -11.98 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 55.00    nlx[3] = 162.25 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = 5.27   

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 55.00     lx[3] = 162.25 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = 5.27   

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 55.00    nlx[3] = 176.24 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = 25.26  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 55.00     lx[3] = 176.24 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = 25.26  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 55.00    nlx[3] = 186.56 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = 47.38  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 1
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 110.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 140.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 1 by -70.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 37.62    nlx[3] = -93.93 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = 151.25 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 37.62     lx[3] = -93.93 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = 151.25 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 37.62    nlx[3] = -100.25
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = 127.68 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 37.62     lx[3] = -100.25
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = 127.68 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 37.62    nlx[3] = -102.38
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = 103.37 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 37.62     lx[3] = -102.38
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = 103.37 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 37.62    nlx[3] = -100.25
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = 79.06  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 37.62     lx[3] = -100.25
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = 79.06  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 37.62    nlx[3] = -93.93 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = 55.48  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 37.62     lx[3] = -93.93 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = 55.48  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 37.62    nlx[3] = -83.62 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = 33.37  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 37.62     lx[3] = -83.62 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = 33.37  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 37.62    nlx[3] = -69.62 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = 13.38  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 37.62     lx[3] = -69.62 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = 13.38  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 37.62    nlx[3] = -52.37 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = -3.88  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 37.62     lx[3] = -52.37 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = -3.88  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 37.62    nlx[3] = -32.38 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = -17.88 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 37.62     lx[3] = -32.38 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = -17.88 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 37.62    nlx[3] = -10.26 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = -28.19 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 37.62     lx[3] = -10.26 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = -28.19 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 37.62    nlx[3] = 13.31  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = -34.51 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 37.62     lx[3] = 13.31  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = -34.51 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 37.62    nlx[3] = 37.62  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = -36.63 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 37.62     lx[3] = 37.62  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = -36.63 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 37.62    nlx[3] = 61.93  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = -34.51 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 37.62     lx[3] = 61.93  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = -34.51 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 37.62    nlx[3] = 85.51  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = -28.19 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 37.62     lx[3] = 85.51  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = -28.19 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 37.62    nlx[3] = 107.62 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = -17.88 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 37.62     lx[3] = 107.62 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = -17.88 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 37.62    nlx[3] = 127.61 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = -3.88  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 37.62     lx[3] = 127.61 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = -3.88  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 37.62    nlx[3] = 144.87 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = 13.38  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 37.62     lx[3] = 144.87 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = 13.38  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 37.62    nlx[3] = 158.87 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = 33.37  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 37.62     lx[3] = 158.87 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = 33.37  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 37.62    nlx[3] = 169.18 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = 55.48  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 37.62     lx[3] = 169.18 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = 55.48  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 37.62    nlx[3] = 175.50 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = 79.06  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 1
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 110.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 140.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 1 by -80.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 19.10    nlx[3] = -118.77
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 132.64 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 19.10     lx[3] = -118.77
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = 132.64 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 19.10    nlx[3] = -120.90
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 108.33 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 19.10     lx[3] = -120.90
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = 108.33 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 19.10    nlx[3] = -118.77
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 84.02  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 19.10     lx[3] = -118.77
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = 84.02  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 19.10    nlx[3] = -112.46
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 60.45  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 19.10     lx[3] = -112.46
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = 60.45  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 19.10    nlx[3] = -102.14
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 38.33  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 19.10     lx[3] = -102.14
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = 38.33  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 19.10    nlx[3] = -88.14 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 18.34  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 19.10     lx[3] = -88.14 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = 18.34  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 19.10    nlx[3] = -70.89 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 1.08   

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 19.10     lx[3] = -70.89 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = 1.08   

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 19.10    nlx[3] = -50.90 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = -12.91 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 19.10     lx[3] = -50.90 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = -12.91 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 19.10    nlx[3] = -28.78 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = -23.23 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 19.10     lx[3] = -28.78 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = -23.23 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 19.10    nlx[3] = -5.21  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = -29.54 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 19.10     lx[3] = -5.21  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = -29.54 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 19.10    nlx[3] = 19.10  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = -31.67 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 19.10     lx[3] = 19.10  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = -31.67 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 19.10    nlx[3] = 43.41  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = -29.54 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 19.10     lx[3] = 43.41  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = -29.54 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 19.10    nlx[3] = 66.98  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = -23.23 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 19.10     lx[3] = 66.98  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = -23.23 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 19.10    nlx[3] = 89.10  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = -12.91 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 19.10     lx[3] = 89.10  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = -12.91 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 19.10    nlx[3] = 109.09 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 1.08   

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 19.10     lx[3] = 109.09 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = 1.08   

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 19.10    nlx[3] = 126.35 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 18.34  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 19.10     lx[3] = 126.35 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = 18.34  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 19.10    nlx[3] = 140.34 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 38.33  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 19.10     lx[3] = 140.34 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = 38.33  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 19.10    nlx[3] = 150.66 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 60.45  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 19.10     lx[3] = 150.66 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = 60.45  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 19.10    nlx[3] = 156.97 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 84.02  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 19.10     lx[3] = 156.97 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = 84.02  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 19.10    nlx[3] = 159.10 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 108.33 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 1
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 110.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 140.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 1 by -90.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 0.00     nlx[3] = -140.00
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 110.00   nly[3] = 110.00 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 0.00      lx[3] = -140.00
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 110.00    ly[3] = 110.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 0.00     nlx[3] = -137.87
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 110.00   nly[3] = 85.69  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 0.00      lx[3] = -137.87
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 110.00    ly[3] = 85.69  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 0.00     nlx[3] = -131.56
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 110.00   nly[3] = 62.12  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 0.00      lx[3] = -131.56
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 110.00    ly[3] = 62.12  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 0.00     nlx[3] = -121.24
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 110.00   nly[3] = 40.00  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 0.00      lx[3] = -121.24
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 110.00    ly[3] = 40.00  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 0.00     nlx[3] = -107.25
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 110.00   nly[3] = 20.01  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 0.00      lx[3] = -107.25
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 110.00    ly[3] = 20.01  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 0.00     nlx[3] = -89.99 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 110.00   nly[3] = 2.75   

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 0.00      lx[3] = -89.99 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 110.00    ly[3] = 2.75   

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 0.00     nlx[3] = -70.00 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 110.00   nly[3] = -11.24 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 0.00      lx[3] = -70.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 110.00    ly[3] = -11.24 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 0.00     nlx[3] = -47.88 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 110.00   nly[3] = -21.56 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 0.00      lx[3] = -47.88 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 110.00    ly[3] = -21.56 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 0.00     nlx[3] = -24.31 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 110.00   nly[3] = -27.87 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 0.00      lx[3] = -24.31 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 110.00    ly[3] = -27.87 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 0.00     nlx[3] = 0.00   
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 110.00   nly[3] = -30.00 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 0.00      lx[3] = 0.00   
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 110.00    ly[3] = -30.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 0.00     nlx[3] = 24.31  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 110.00   nly[3] = -27.87 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 0.00      lx[3] = 24.31  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 110.00    ly[3] = -27.87 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 0.00     nlx[3] = 47.88  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 110.00   nly[3] = -21.56 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 0.00      lx[3] = 47.88  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 110.00    ly[3] = -21.56 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 0.00     nlx[3] = 70.00  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 110.00   nly[3] = -11.24 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 0.00      lx[3] = 70.00  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 110.00    ly[3] = -11.24 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 0.00     nlx[3] = 89.99  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 110.00   nly[3] = 2.75   

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 0.00      lx[3] = 89.99  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 110.00    ly[3] = 2.75   

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 0.00     nlx[3] = 107.25 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 110.00   nly[3] = 20.01  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 0.00      lx[3] = 107.25 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 110.00    ly[3] = 20.01  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 0.00     nlx[3] = 121.24 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 110.00   nly[3] = 40.00  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 0.00      lx[3] = 121.24 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 110.00    ly[3] = 40.00  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 0.00     nlx[3] = 131.56 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 110.00   nly[3] = 62.12  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 0.00      lx[3] = 131.56 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 110.00    ly[3] = 62.12  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 0.00     nlx[3] = 137.87 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 110.00   nly[3] = 85.69  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 0.00      lx[3] = 137.87 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 110.00    ly[3] = 85.69  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 0.00     nlx[3] = 140.00 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 110.00   nly[3] = 110.00 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 0.00      lx[3] = 140.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 110.00    ly[3] = 110.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = 0.00     nlx[3] = 137.87 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 110.00   nly[3] = 134.31 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 1
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 110.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 140.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 1 by -100.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -19.10   nlx[3] = -156.97
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 84.02  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -19.10    lx[3] = -156.97
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = 84.02  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -19.10   nlx[3] = -150.66
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 60.45  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -19.10    lx[3] = -150.66
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = 60.45  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -19.10   nlx[3] = -140.34
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 38.33  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -19.10    lx[3] = -140.34
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = 38.33  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -19.10   nlx[3] = -126.35
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 18.34  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -19.10    lx[3] = -126.35
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = 18.34  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -19.10   nlx[3] = -109.09
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 1.08   

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -19.10    lx[3] = -109.09
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = 1.08   

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -19.10   nlx[3] = -89.10 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = -12.91 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -19.10    lx[3] = -89.10 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = -12.91 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -19.10   nlx[3] = -66.98 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = -23.23 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -19.10    lx[3] = -66.98 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = -23.23 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -19.10   nlx[3] = -43.41 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = -29.54 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -19.10    lx[3] = -43.41 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = -29.54 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -19.10   nlx[3] = -19.10 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = -31.67 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -19.10    lx[3] = -19.10 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = -31.67 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -19.10   nlx[3] = 5.21   
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = -29.54 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -19.10    lx[3] = 5.21   
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = -29.54 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -19.10   nlx[3] = 28.78  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = -23.23 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -19.10    lx[3] = 28.78  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = -23.23 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -19.10   nlx[3] = 50.90  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = -12.91 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -19.10    lx[3] = 50.90  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = -12.91 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -19.10   nlx[3] = 70.89  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 1.08   

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -19.10    lx[3] = 70.89  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = 1.08   

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -19.10   nlx[3] = 88.14  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 18.34  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -19.10    lx[3] = 88.14  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = 18.34  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -19.10   nlx[3] = 102.14 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 38.33  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -19.10    lx[3] = 102.14 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = 38.33  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -19.10   nlx[3] = 112.46 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 60.45  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -19.10    lx[3] = 112.46 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = 60.45  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -19.10   nlx[3] = 118.77 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 84.02  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -19.10    lx[3] = 118.77 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = 84.02  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -19.10   nlx[3] = 120.90 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 108.33 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -19.10    lx[3] = 120.90 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = 108.33 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -19.10   nlx[3] = 118.77 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 132.64 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -19.10    lx[3] = 118.77 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 108.33    ly[3] = 132.64 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -19.10   nlx[3] = 112.46 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 108.33   nly[3] = 156.21 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 1
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 110.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 140.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 1 by -110.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -37.62   nlx[3] = -169.18
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = 55.48  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -37.62    lx[3] = -169.18
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = 55.48  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -37.62   nlx[3] = -158.87
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = 33.37  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -37.62    lx[3] = -158.87
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = 33.37  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -37.62   nlx[3] = -144.87
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = 13.38  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -37.62    lx[3] = -144.87
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = 13.38  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -37.62   nlx[3] = -127.61
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = -3.88  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -37.62    lx[3] = -127.61
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = -3.88  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -37.62   nlx[3] = -107.62
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = -17.88 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -37.62    lx[3] = -107.62
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = -17.88 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -37.62   nlx[3] = -85.51 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = -28.19 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -37.62    lx[3] = -85.51 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = -28.19 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -37.62   nlx[3] = -61.93 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = -34.51 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -37.62    lx[3] = -61.93 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = -34.51 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -37.62   nlx[3] = -37.62 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = -36.63 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -37.62    lx[3] = -37.62 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = -36.63 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -37.62   nlx[3] = -13.31 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = -34.51 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -37.62    lx[3] = -13.31 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = -34.51 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -37.62   nlx[3] = 10.26  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = -28.19 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -37.62    lx[3] = 10.26  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = -28.19 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -37.62   nlx[3] = 32.38  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = -17.88 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -37.62    lx[3] = 32.38  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = -17.88 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -37.62   nlx[3] = 52.37  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = -3.88  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -37.62    lx[3] = 52.37  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = -3.88  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -37.62   nlx[3] = 69.62  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = 13.38  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -37.62    lx[3] = 69.62  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = 13.38  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -37.62   nlx[3] = 83.62  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = 33.37  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -37.62    lx[3] = 83.62  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = 33.37  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -37.62   nlx[3] = 93.93  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = 55.48  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -37.62    lx[3] = 93.93  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = 55.48  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -37.62   nlx[3] = 100.25 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = 79.06  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -37.62    lx[3] = 100.25 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = 79.06  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -37.62   nlx[3] = 102.38 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = 103.37 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -37.62    lx[3] = 102.38 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = 103.37 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -37.62   nlx[3] = 100.25 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = 127.68 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -37.62    lx[3] = 100.25 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = 127.68 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -37.62   nlx[3] = 93.93  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = 151.25 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -37.62    lx[3] = 93.93  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 103.37    ly[3] = 151.25 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -37.62   nlx[3] = 83.62  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 103.37   nly[3] = 173.37 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 1
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 110.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 140.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 1 by -120.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -55.00   nlx[3] = -176.24
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = 25.26  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -55.00    lx[3] = -176.24
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = 25.26  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -55.00   nlx[3] = -162.25
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = 5.27   

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -55.00    lx[3] = -162.25
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = 5.27   

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -55.00   nlx[3] = -144.99
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = -11.98 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -55.00    lx[3] = -144.99
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = -11.98 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -55.00   nlx[3] = -125.00
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = -25.98 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -55.00    lx[3] = -125.00
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = -25.98 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -55.00   nlx[3] = -102.88
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = -36.29 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -55.00    lx[3] = -102.88
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = -36.29 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -55.00   nlx[3] = -79.31 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = -42.61 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -55.00    lx[3] = -79.31 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = -42.61 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -55.00   nlx[3] = -55.00 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = -44.74 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -55.00    lx[3] = -55.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = -44.74 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -55.00   nlx[3] = -30.69 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = -42.61 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -55.00    lx[3] = -30.69 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = -42.61 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -55.00   nlx[3] = -7.12  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = -36.29 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -55.00    lx[3] = -7.12  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = -36.29 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -55.00   nlx[3] = 15.00  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = -25.98 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -55.00    lx[3] = 15.00  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = -25.98 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -55.00   nlx[3] = 34.99  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = -11.98 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -55.00    lx[3] = 34.99  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = -11.98 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -55.00   nlx[3] = 52.25  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = 5.27   

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -55.00    lx[3] = 52.25  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = 5.27   

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -55.00   nlx[3] = 66.24  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = 25.26  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -55.00    lx[3] = 66.24  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = 25.26  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -55.00   nlx[3] = 76.56  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = 47.38  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -55.00    lx[3] = 76.56  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = 47.38  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -55.00   nlx[3] = 82.87  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = 70.95  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -55.00    lx[3] = 82.87  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = 70.95  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -55.00   nlx[3] = 85.00  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = 95.26  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -55.00    lx[3] = 85.00  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = 95.26  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -55.00   nlx[3] = 82.87  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = 119.57 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -55.00    lx[3] = 82.87  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = 119.57 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -55.00   nlx[3] = 76.56  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = 143.15 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -55.00    lx[3] = 76.56  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = 143.15 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -55.00   nlx[3] = 66.24  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = 165.26 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -55.00    lx[3] = 66.24  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 95.26     ly[3] = 165.26 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -55.00   nlx[3] = 52.25  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 95.26    nly[3] = 185.25 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 1
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 110.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 140.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 1 by -130.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -70.71   nlx[3] = -177.95
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = -5.73  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -70.71    lx[3] = -177.95
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = -5.73  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -70.71   nlx[3] = -160.70
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = -22.98 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -70.71    lx[3] = -160.70
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = -22.98 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -70.71   nlx[3] = -140.71
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = -36.98 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -70.71    lx[3] = -140.71
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = -36.98 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -70.71   nlx[3] = -118.59
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = -47.29 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -70.71    lx[3] = -118.59
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = -47.29 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -70.71   nlx[3] = -95.02 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = -53.61 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -70.71    lx[3] = -95.02 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = -53.61 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -70.71   nlx[3] = -70.71 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = -55.74 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -70.71    lx[3] = -70.71 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = -55.74 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -70.71   nlx[3] = -46.40 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = -53.61 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -70.71    lx[3] = -46.40 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = -53.61 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -70.71   nlx[3] = -22.82 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = -47.29 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -70.71    lx[3] = -22.82 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = -47.29 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -70.71   nlx[3] = -0.71  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = -36.98 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -70.71    lx[3] = -0.71  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = -36.98 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -70.71   nlx[3] = 19.28  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = -22.98 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -70.71    lx[3] = 19.28  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = -22.98 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -70.71   nlx[3] = 36.54  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = -5.73  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -70.71    lx[3] = 36.54  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = -5.73  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -70.71   nlx[3] = 50.54  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = 14.26  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -70.71    lx[3] = 50.54  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = 14.26  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -70.71   nlx[3] = 60.85  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = 36.38  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -70.71    lx[3] = 60.85  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = 36.38  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -70.71   nlx[3] = 67.17  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = 59.95  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -70.71    lx[3] = 67.17  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = 59.95  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -70.71   nlx[3] = 69.29  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = 84.26  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -70.71    lx[3] = 69.29  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = 84.26  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -70.71   nlx[3] = 67.17  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = 108.58 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -70.71    lx[3] = 67.17  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = 108.58 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -70.71   nlx[3] = 60.85  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = 132.15 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -70.71    lx[3] = 60.85  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = 132.15 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -70.71   nlx[3] = 50.54  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = 154.26 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -70.71    lx[3] = 50.54  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = 154.26 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -70.71   nlx[3] = 36.54  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = 174.26 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -70.71    lx[3] = 36.54  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 84.26     ly[3] = 174.26 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -70.71   nlx[3] = 19.28  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 84.26    nly[3] = 191.51 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 1
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 110.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 140.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 1 by -140.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -84.26   nlx[3] = -174.26
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = -36.54 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -84.26    lx[3] = -174.26
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = -36.54 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -84.26   nlx[3] = -154.26
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = -50.54 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -84.26    lx[3] = -154.26
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = -50.54 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -84.26   nlx[3] = -132.15
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = -60.85 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -84.26    lx[3] = -132.15
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = -60.85 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -84.26   nlx[3] = -108.58
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = -67.17 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -84.26    lx[3] = -108.58
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = -67.17 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -84.26   nlx[3] = -84.26 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = -69.29 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -84.26    lx[3] = -84.26 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = -69.29 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -84.26   nlx[3] = -59.95 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = -67.17 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -84.26    lx[3] = -59.95 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = -67.17 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -84.26   nlx[3] = -36.38 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = -60.85 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -84.26    lx[3] = -36.38 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = -60.85 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -84.26   nlx[3] = -14.26 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = -50.54 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -84.26    lx[3] = -14.26 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = -50.54 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -84.26   nlx[3] = 5.73   
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = -36.54 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -84.26    lx[3] = 5.73   
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = -36.54 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -84.26   nlx[3] = 22.98  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = -19.28 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -84.26    lx[3] = 22.98  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = -19.28 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -84.26   nlx[3] = 36.98  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = 0.71   

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -84.26    lx[3] = 36.98  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = 0.71   

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -84.26   nlx[3] = 47.29  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = 22.82  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -84.26    lx[3] = 47.29  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = 22.82  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -84.26   nlx[3] = 53.61  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = 46.40  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -84.26    lx[3] = 53.61  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = 46.40  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -84.26   nlx[3] = 55.74  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = 70.71  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -84.26    lx[3] = 55.74  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = 70.71  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -84.26   nlx[3] = 53.61  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = 95.02  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -84.26    lx[3] = 53.61  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = 95.02  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -84.26   nlx[3] = 47.29  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = 118.59 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -84.26    lx[3] = 47.29  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = 118.59 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -84.26   nlx[3] = 36.98  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = 140.71 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -84.26    lx[3] = 36.98  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = 140.71 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -84.26   nlx[3] = 22.98  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = 160.70 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -84.26    lx[3] = 22.98  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = 160.70 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -84.26   nlx[3] = 5.73   
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = 177.95 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -84.26    lx[3] = 5.73   
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 70.71     ly[3] = 177.95 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -84.26   nlx[3] = -14.26 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 70.71    nly[3] = 191.95 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 1
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 110.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 140.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 1 by -150.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -95.26   nlx[3] = -165.26
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = -66.24 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -95.26    lx[3] = -165.26
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = -66.24 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -95.26   nlx[3] = -143.15
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = -76.56 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -95.26    lx[3] = -143.15
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = -76.56 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -95.26   nlx[3] = -119.57
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = -82.87 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -95.26    lx[3] = -119.57
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = -82.87 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -95.26   nlx[3] = -95.26 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = -85.00 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -95.26    lx[3] = -95.26 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = -85.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -95.26   nlx[3] = -70.95 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = -82.87 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -95.26    lx[3] = -70.95 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = -82.87 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -95.26   nlx[3] = -47.38 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = -76.56 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -95.26    lx[3] = -47.38 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = -76.56 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -95.26   nlx[3] = -25.26 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = -66.24 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -95.26    lx[3] = -25.26 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = -66.24 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -95.26   nlx[3] = -5.27  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = -52.25 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -95.26    lx[3] = -5.27  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = -52.25 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -95.26   nlx[3] = 11.98  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = -34.99 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -95.26    lx[3] = 11.98  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = -34.99 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -95.26   nlx[3] = 25.98  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = -15.00 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -95.26    lx[3] = 25.98  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = -15.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -95.26   nlx[3] = 36.29  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = 7.12   

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -95.26    lx[3] = 36.29  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = 7.12   

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -95.26   nlx[3] = 42.61  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = 30.69  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -95.26    lx[3] = 42.61  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = 30.69  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -95.26   nlx[3] = 44.74  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = 55.00  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -95.26    lx[3] = 44.74  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = 55.00  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -95.26   nlx[3] = 42.61  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = 79.31  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -95.26    lx[3] = 42.61  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = 79.31  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -95.26   nlx[3] = 36.29  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = 102.88 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -95.26    lx[3] = 36.29  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = 102.88 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -95.26   nlx[3] = 25.98  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = 125.00 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -95.26    lx[3] = 25.98  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = 125.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -95.26   nlx[3] = 11.98  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = 144.99 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -95.26    lx[3] = 11.98  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = 144.99 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -95.26   nlx[3] = -5.27  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = 162.25 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -95.26    lx[3] = -5.27  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = 162.25 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -95.26   nlx[3] = -25.26 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = 176.24 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -95.26    lx[3] = -25.26 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 55.00     ly[3] = 176.24 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -95.26   nlx[3] = -47.38 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 55.00    nly[3] = 186.56 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 1
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 110.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 140.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 1 by -160.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -103.37  nlx[3] = -151.25
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = -93.93 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -103.37   lx[3] = -151.25
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = -93.93 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -103.37  nlx[3] = -127.68
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = -100.25

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -103.37   lx[3] = -127.68
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = -100.25

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -103.37  nlx[3] = -103.37
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = -102.38

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -103.37   lx[3] = -103.37
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = -102.38

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -103.37  nlx[3] = -79.06 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = -100.25

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -103.37   lx[3] = -79.06 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = -100.25

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -103.37  nlx[3] = -55.48 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = -93.93 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -103.37   lx[3] = -55.48 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = -93.93 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -103.37  nlx[3] = -33.37 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = -83.62 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -103.37   lx[3] = -33.37 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = -83.62 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -103.37  nlx[3] = -13.38 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = -69.62 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -103.37   lx[3] = -13.38 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = -69.62 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -103.37  nlx[3] = 3.88   
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = -52.37 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -103.37   lx[3] = 3.88   
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = -52.37 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -103.37  nlx[3] = 17.88  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = -32.38 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -103.37   lx[3] = 17.88  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = -32.38 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -103.37  nlx[3] = 28.19  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = -10.26 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -103.37   lx[3] = 28.19  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = -10.26 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -103.37  nlx[3] = 34.51  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = 13.31  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -103.37   lx[3] = 34.51  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = 13.31  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -103.37  nlx[3] = 36.63  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = 37.62  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -103.37   lx[3] = 36.63  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = 37.62  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -103.37  nlx[3] = 34.51  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = 61.93  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -103.37   lx[3] = 34.51  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = 61.93  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -103.37  nlx[3] = 28.19  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = 85.51  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -103.37   lx[3] = 28.19  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = 85.51  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -103.37  nlx[3] = 17.88  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = 107.62 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -103.37   lx[3] = 17.88  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = 107.62 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -103.37  nlx[3] = 3.88   
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = 127.61 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -103.37   lx[3] = 3.88   
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = 127.61 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -103.37  nlx[3] = -13.38 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = 144.87 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -103.37   lx[3] = -13.38 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = 144.87 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -103.37  nlx[3] = -33.37 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = 158.87 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -103.37   lx[3] = -33.37 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = 158.87 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -103.37  nlx[3] = -55.48 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = 169.18 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -103.37   lx[3] = -55.48 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 37.62     ly[3] = 169.18 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -103.37  nlx[3] = -79.06 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 37.62    nly[3] = 175.50 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 1
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 110.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 140.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 1 by -170.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -108.33  nlx[3] = -132.64
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = -118.77

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -108.33   lx[3] = -132.64
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = -118.77

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -108.33  nlx[3] = -108.33
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = -120.90

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -108.33   lx[3] = -108.33
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = -120.90

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -108.33  nlx[3] = -84.02 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = -118.77

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -108.33   lx[3] = -84.02 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = -118.77

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -108.33  nlx[3] = -60.45 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = -112.46

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -108.33   lx[3] = -60.45 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = -112.46

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -108.33  nlx[3] = -38.33 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = -102.14

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -108.33   lx[3] = -38.33 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = -102.14

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -108.33  nlx[3] = -18.34 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = -88.14 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -108.33   lx[3] = -18.34 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = -88.14 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -108.33  nlx[3] = -1.08  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = -70.89 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -108.33   lx[3] = -1.08  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = -70.89 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -108.33  nlx[3] = 12.91  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = -50.90 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -108.33   lx[3] = 12.91  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = -50.90 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -108.33  nlx[3] = 23.23  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = -28.78 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -108.33   lx[3] = 23.23  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = -28.78 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -108.33  nlx[3] = 29.54  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = -5.21  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -108.33   lx[3] = 29.54  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = -5.21  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -108.33  nlx[3] = 31.67  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = 19.10  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -108.33   lx[3] = 31.67  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = 19.10  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -108.33  nlx[3] = 29.54  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = 43.41  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -108.33   lx[3] = 29.54  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = 43.41  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -108.33  nlx[3] = 23.23  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = 66.98  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -108.33   lx[3] = 23.23  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = 66.98  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -108.33  nlx[3] = 12.91  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = 89.10  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -108.33   lx[3] = 12.91  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = 89.10  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -108.33  nlx[3] = -1.08  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = 109.09 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -108.33   lx[3] = -1.08  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = 109.09 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -108.33  nlx[3] = -18.34 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = 126.35 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -108.33   lx[3] = -18.34 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = 126.35 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -108.33  nlx[3] = -38.33 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = 140.34 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -108.33   lx[3] = -38.33 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = 140.34 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -108.33  nlx[3] = -60.45 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = 150.66 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -108.33   lx[3] = -60.45 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = 150.66 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -108.33  nlx[3] = -84.02 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = 156.97 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -108.33   lx[3] = -84.02 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 19.10     ly[3] = 156.97 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -108.33  nlx[3] = -108.33
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 19.10    nly[3] = 159.10 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 1
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 110.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 140.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 1 by -180.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -110.00  nlx[3] = -110.00
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = -140.00

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -110.00   lx[3] = -110.00
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = -140.00

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -110.00  nlx[3] = -85.69 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = -137.87

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -110.00   lx[3] = -85.69 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = -137.87

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -110.00  nlx[3] = -62.12 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = -131.56

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -110.00   lx[3] = -62.12 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = -131.56

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -110.00  nlx[3] = -40.00 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = -121.24

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -110.00   lx[3] = -40.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = -121.24

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -110.00  nlx[3] = -20.01 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = -107.25

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -110.00   lx[3] = -20.01 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = -107.25

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -110.00  nlx[3] = -2.75  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = -89.99 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -110.00   lx[3] = -2.75  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = -89.99 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -110.00  nlx[3] = 11.24  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = -70.00 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -110.00   lx[3] = 11.24  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = -70.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -110.00  nlx[3] = 21.56  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = -47.88 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -110.00   lx[3] = 21.56  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = -47.88 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -110.00  nlx[3] = 27.87  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = -24.31 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -110.00   lx[3] = 27.87  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = -24.31 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -110.00  nlx[3] = 30.00  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = 0.00   

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -110.00   lx[3] = 30.00  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 0.00   

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -110.00  nlx[3] = 27.87  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = 24.31  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -110.00   lx[3] = 27.87  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 24.31  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -110.00  nlx[3] = 21.56  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = 47.88  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -110.00   lx[3] = 21.56  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 47.88  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -110.00  nlx[3] = 11.24  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = 70.00  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -110.00   lx[3] = 11.24  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 70.00  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -110.00  nlx[3] = -2.75  
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = 89.99  

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -110.00   lx[3] = -2.75  
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 89.99  

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -110.00  nlx[3] = -20.01 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = 107.25 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -110.00   lx[3] = -20.01 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 107.25 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -110.00  nlx[3] = -40.00 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = 121.24 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -110.00   lx[3] = -40.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 121.24 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -110.00  nlx[3] = -62.12 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = 131.56 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -110.00   lx[3] = -62.12 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 131.56 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -110.00  nlx[3] = -85.69 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = 137.87 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -110.00   lx[3] = -85.69 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 137.87 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -110.00  nlx[3] = -110.00
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = 140.00 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 2
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = -110.00   lx[3] = -110.00
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 140.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 2 by -10.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -110.00  nlx[3] = -134.31
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = 0.00     nly[3] = 137.87 

	DEBUG: Before Rotating motor 1
	DEBUG:  lx[1] = 0.00      lx[2] = 110.00    lx[3] = 110.00 
	DEBUG:  ly[1] = 0.00      ly[2] = 0.00      ly[3] = 140.00 

	DEBUG: After Rotating motor 1 by -190.000000 degree
	DEBUG: nlx[1] = 0.00     nlx[2] = -108.33  nlx[3] = -84.02 
	DEBUG: nly[1] = 0.00     nly[2] = -19.10   nly[3] = -156.97